Judge Klotz graduated from Drake University in 1954 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration. In 1955 she gradated from Drake University Law School with a Juris Doctorate degree. In 1978 she was named Polk County’s Probate Referee and was formally named an associate judge in 1996. Her experiences in the practice of law also include general practice, state government, and serving as a bank trust officer. She retired as an Associate Probate Judge on January 31, 2013 Judge Klotz’s other activities include membership in the Plymouth Congregational Church and the Plymouth Church Foundation in Des Moines. She has served as treasurer for both. She has also served on the board of directors of Calvin Manor, board of counselors for the Drake Law School, Polk County Homemaker-Home Care Service, the Blood Center of Central Iowa and the YWCA of Des Moines. In addition she was a member of Soroptimist International of Des Moines, past governor of the organization’s North Central Region, past president of Soroptimist International of the Americas and the Soroptimist Foundation, member and past president of the Professional Women’s League of Des Moines, trust office for Banker’s Trust Company and part-time lecturer at the Drake Law School. Judge Klotz has a long history of support for Ellsworth Community College. In 1993 she graciously served as that year’s commencement speaker. We at Ellsworth Community College proudly claim her as a graduate. She passed away in November 2020.